Kids World International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Academy provides services world wide that
impact the lives of the youth-at-risk who have
parents that respect and understand the needs
for youth to learn life changing skills for those
who embrace and excel on their skills perform
to the vest of their abilities. Whether you have
a positive experience and learn new techniques
and skills to enhance your appreciation of these
sports and the personal cultivation acquired
through practicing them.
Each student has the skills to avoid the
pitfalls of not having activities for after school
and during their free time. Youth can identify
with their ability to defend themselves when
needed, but often convincing those who have
not experienced meditation and peacefulness
within themselves and who long for an avenue
and interest that will help anger management,
the positive impact of being in good physical
health, and who often bring their parents to
begin courses, hence increasing the solitude and
peace of their newly established attitude that
permeate through their entire household. Their
grades are improved, their communications
skills are increased, their outlook on others
when violence occurs, and they are at peace
within themselves.
Similarly, the adults who will be sponsored
through the Nonprofit enabling them to partake
in these classes helps those in low income
families with minimum education, and who
cannot find their path in life, thereby impact
their families in a negative way.